Monday, 16 September 2019

Psychology Games

Psychology Games
Psychology games to explore and study the mind. More than 30 online games, related to different psychology subjects, that may be used for fun, interactive education and examination. The psychology knowledge games are small online games, up to 1 MB, which include puzzles, board games, adventure and mosaic games, card games and fun tests for interesting phenomena of the mind, personality and creativity, that appear in the abstract world in which humans also live.


Sunday, 15 September 2019

Psychology Games for Students

Psychology Games for Students
This category include all psychology games, test and puzzles suitable for over 9th grade and adults. They are small online applications, up to 1 MB, available online and for download. Useful in class, at school, at home. Online psychological games and tests for 9 grade and above fun classes. Fun Psychology Games Collection for Students.


Saturday, 14 September 2019

Psychology Games for Kids

Psychology Games for Kids
This category include all psychology games, test and puzzles suitable for kids and pupils from 4th to 8th grade. They are small online applications, up to 1 MB, available online and for download. Useful in class, at school, at home. Psychological online games and tests for 4 - 8 grade fun classes. Fun Psychology Games Collection for Kids.


Thursday, 12 September 2019

Psychology Tests

Psychology Tests
The Psychology online tests are small online applications, up to 1 MB, used to explore the human personality in different types of situations and social life. Interactive knowledge boards, suitable for online classes, school lessons and home education. Also completing every class test the knowledge level is increased. Psychology testing tools. Fun Psychology Tests Collection.


Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Thinking Tests

Thinking Tests
The Psychology visual tests are small online applications, up to 1 MB, which include some popular psychology riddles for solving from the textbooks, made in an interactive way. Every riddle is connected to some major psychology topic, examination or trail. Interactive knowledge boards, suitable for online classes, school lessons and home education. With these free online games, the player may learn and study something interesting about the psychological classifications, subjects and topics. Also completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Psychology learning tools. Fun Psychology Thinking Tests Collection.


Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Psychology Board Games

Psychology Board Games
The Board Games games are small online applications, up to 1 MB, usually involve board and dice to search for psychology knowledge. Interactive knowledge boards in psychology, suitable for online classes, school lessons and home education. With these free online games, the player may learn and study something interesting about the psychological classifications, subjects and topics. Also completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Psychology learning tools. Fun Psychology Board Games Collection.


Monday, 9 September 2019

Psychology Quests

Psychology Quests
The Psychology quest games are small online applications, up to 1 MB, which include some short adventures, where the player need to find hidden items and meet strange characters. Interactive knowledge boards in psychology, suitable for online classes, school lessons and home education. With these free online games, the player may learn and study something interesting about the psychological classifications, subjects and topics. Also completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Psychology learning tools. Fun Psychology Quest Games Collection.


Sunday, 8 September 2019

Psychology Cards Games

Psychology Cards Games
The Psychology card games are small flash applications, up to 1 MB, which include fun games with psychology cards, for easy memorising subjects and topics. Also completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Fun Psychology Card Games Collection.


Saturday, 7 September 2019

Psychology Arcades

Psychology Arcades
The psych arcade games are also small online applications, up to 1 MB, usually involving the use of the keyboard, and passing through or collecting objects, while searching for psychology knowledge. Also completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Psychology games. Psychology Arcade Games for recreation.


Friday, 6 September 2019

Bidstrup Games

 Bidstrup Games
Bidstrup Games are small online applications, up to 1 MB, which include some famous cartoons of Herluf Bidstrup. But here, every cartoon scene is made in a separate tile, which need to be fit in its place. Herluf Bidstrup's cartoons are often referred in eastern psychology textbooks, as they include social themes and humor in everyday life. With these class games, the player may learn and study something interesting about psychology related topics. Also completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Psychology learning tools. Fun Bidstrup Games Collection.


Thursday, 5 September 2019

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions
Optical Illusion class games are small online applications, up to 1 MB, which include some famous drawings of impossible figures, hidden object paintings and mind messing images by different authors. Images are under square rotating puzzle system, which means that the player will need to work hard to reveal the picture and know what to search in it. These games may be used for testing and recreation. Also completing every optical illusion game the knowledge level is increased. Fun Optical Illusion Puzzles Collection.


Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Psychology Mosaics

Psychology Mosaics
The Psychology mosaics are small online applications, up to 1 MB, which include basic topics from the psychological science in colorful patterns. They follow the idea of those wall boards, hanging in the school classroom, but the elements are removed from the board, and the player need to fit them in correct places. Mosaic games may be used either for study or for testing studied knowledge. Colorful drag and drop mosaics. Interactive knowledge boards in psychology, suitable for online classes, school lessons and home education. With these free online games, the player may learn and study something interesting about the psychological classifications, subjects and topics. Also completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Psychology learning tools. Fun Psychology Mosaics Collection.


Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Psychology Puzzles

Psychology Puzzles
The Psychology puzzles are small online applications, up to 1 MB, which include pictures, collages and diagrams about interesting studies and appliance of psychology. These diagrams are made like movable objects, which must be fit in their place, by following a knowledge pattern. Colorful psych drag and drop puzzles. Interactive knowledge boards in psychology, suitable for online classes, school lessons and home education. With these free online games, the player may learn and study something interesting about the psychological classifications, interesting subjects and topics. Completing every class game the knowledge level is increased. Psychology learning tools. Fun Psychology Puzzles Collection.


Sunday, 1 September 2019

Information Technology Games

Information Technology Games
IT games to practice and study computers. More than 60 online games to learn computer technologies, related to different IT, computers and informatics subjects, that may be used for fun, interactive education and examination. Information Technology and Informatics classroom tools. The IT computer science games are small online games, up to 1.5 MB, which include puzzles, mosaics, arcade games, card games and online tests with integrated valuation system. 


Saturday, 31 August 2019

IT Games for Students

IT Games for Students
The IT for Students games include all small flash applications - games, mosaics, tests and puzzles, from the Interactive Computer Tools, which may include useful and interesting knowledge, studied during the 10th grade school educational course in Informational Technology subject. Small fun educational applications about computers, internet, peripheral devices, system structure, hardware and software. Interactive Online Classes. Interactive Computer Science learning Tools for Tenth Grade and above. Fun Information Technology Games for Students Collection.


Friday, 30 August 2019

IT Ninth Grade

IT Ninth Grade
The IT Ninth Grade games include all small flash applications - games, mosaics, tests and puzzles, from the Interactive Computer Tools, which may include useful and interesting knowledge, studied during the 9th grade school educational course in Informational Technology subject. Small fun educational applications about computers, internet, peripheral devices, hardware and software. Interactive Computer Science Learning Tools for Ninth Grade fun classes. Interactive Online Classes. Fun Information Technology Games for 9 Grade Collection.


Thursday, 29 August 2019

IT Eighth Grade

IT Eighth Grade
The IT Eighth Grade games include all small flash applications - games, mosaics, tests and puzzles, from the Interactive Computer Tools, which may include useful and interesting knowledge, studied during the 8th grade school educational course in Informational Technology subject. Small fun educational applications about computers, internet, hardware and software. Interactive Online Classes. Interactive Computer Science Learning Tools for Eighth Grade fun classes. Fun Information Technology Games for 8 Grade Collection.