Usage: Free educational puzzle game application used to explore Solar System article, by interacting.
Interactive knowledge board.
Interactive knowledge board.
How to play: Drag and drop the planet pictures in the Solar System in their correct places...
Expand your sphere of competence, within a minute
Application category: Astronomy
Achievements: Learn the planets in the Solar
System, some of their satellites (moons) and interesting facts about them. The planet's properties, like diameter, rotation, obliquity and surface, are visualized in additional panels. Winning the game online, will also give +1 Knowledge Level on website.
The App Type is a short flash game with puzzle engine, that is free to play online or download. The download version includes an executable file for Windows OS with local levels only. It is one of the 5 set collectible astronomy multimedia apps to be used in classes and home. Tracking the levels in the local computers may also give a clue how is the pupil doing. It have two playable languages.
Gameplay: Drag(hold left mouse button) the planet pictures located top of the screen and drop(release left mouse button) them over the blue outlines in the middle of the screen. If the planet is dropped incorrectly, it will disappear and penalize the player with negative points. Rolling over a planet will show detailed information about its name, obliquity, diameter, surface, rotation and interesting facts about it. Watch gameplay movie to familiarize with the interface.
Hints: The player can orientate by the size of the blue outline. No one knows all planets at first, but some practice will make the difference. Also will make the knowledge of the space richer. Arranging Jupiter and Pluto will allow to click on them and play a separate application only for them. We will make it for all planets.
Arrangeаble planets (blue outlines) and objects included in this game:
Mercury - the first planet,
Venus - the red planet,
Earth - our home world,
Moon - we can see it at night,
Mars - crawled with robots,
Deimos - seen from Mars,
Phobos - passing 3 times for one Mars day,
Asteroid belt - unformed planet,
Jupiter - the biggest planet,
Ganymede - the largest moon in the system,
Callisto - oldest craters,
Io - torn by volcanoes,
Europa - full of water,
Saturn - famous with its ring,
Titan - second largest moon,
Uranus - rotates almost verticaly,
Neptune - the eighth planet,
Triton - icy moon,
Pluto - one year on pluto takes five generations,
and Sedna - far in the Oort cloud.
Not arrangеable moons (grey outlines) and objects included are: Ceres, Enceladus, Rhea, Lapetus, Dione, Mimas, Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel, Miranda, Charon and Haumeia. Play for picture and information about them.
Have Fun !
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