Usage: Free educational game application used to explore some Financial Basis, by interacting.
Interactive knowledge board.
Interactive knowledge board.
How to play: Move through 21 board sqares. Finish happy, with no debt and enough money....
The App Type is a short flash game app for desktop computers, with board RPG engine, that is free to play online or download. The stand alone version includes an executable file for Windows OS with local levels only. It is one of the 5 set collectible Economics multimedia apps to be used in classes and home. It have two playable languages.
Gameplay: Pass through 21 board squares, that present a different shops. Every move, there are 10$ to spend in these shops that will affect the base financial characteristics. The challenge is to generate good savings, retain a positive Mood, while no Debts are made whatsoever. Watch gameplay movie to familiarize with the interface.
Expand your sphere of competence, within a minute
Application category: Economics Games
Achievements: Try and control the four features for personal financial discipline, savings, investment, spending and debts. Another base attributes to watch are the wallet, the income and the mood. The challenge is to increse a financial potential, while rataining a good mood. Winning the game online,
will also give +1 Knowledge Level on website.
The App Type is a short flash game app for desktop computers, with board RPG engine, that is free to play online or download. The stand alone version includes an executable file for Windows OS with local levels only. It is one of the 5 set collectible Economics multimedia apps to be used in classes and home. It have two playable languages.
Gameplay: Pass through 21 board squares, that present a different shops. Every move, there are 10$ to spend in these shops that will affect the base financial characteristics. The challenge is to generate good savings, retain a positive Mood, while no Debts are made whatsoever. Watch gameplay movie to familiarize with the interface.
Hints: Try to create at least one of the three creativity products, painting, song or bag that will give additional money in the Wallet.
Finances: Financial басес included in this game are: income - generated money on regular basis,
wallet - the available money to spend,
savings - available money to get when needed,
investment - spent money than may return income,
spending - giving money away,
debt - money spent without having them,
and mood - live a satisfied life.

Play to see how they works.
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