Friday, 23 January 2015

Meet Pluto Puzzle

Reed More

Usage: Free educational moving puzzle game used to explore Moons of Pluto article, by interacting.
Interactive knowledge board.  
How to play: Drag and drop Pluto and its moon pictures while they move in their strange orbits...

Meet Pluto Screenshot
Expand your sphere of competence, within a minute
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Application category: Astronomy

Achievements: Learn the planets in Pluto's orbit, their movement and interesting facts. As New Horisons space craft have aproached the remote planet, it have revealed things unknown before 2010s. Winning the game online, will also give +1 Knowledge Level on website.

The App Type is a short flash game with puzzle engine and some hand precision, that is free to play online or download. The stand alone version include an executable file for Windows OS with local levels only. It is one of the 5 set collectible astronomy multimedia apps to be used in classes and home. Tracking the levels in the local computers may also give a clue how is the player doing. It have two playable languages.

Gameplay: Drag(hold left mouse button) the planet pictures located top of the screen and drop(release left mouse button) them over the moving blue outlines in the middle of the screen. If the planet is dropped incorrectly, it will disappear and penalize the player with negative points. Rolling over a planet will show some information about inclination, diameter and period. Watch gameplay movie to familiarize with the interface. 

Hints: The players can orientate by the size of the blue outline. They may try to position the dragged planet picture ahead in the orbit of the moving outline and wait, rather than chase it. No one knows all planets at first, but some practice will makes a difference.

Arrangeаble objects (blue outlines) included in this game: Pluto - the far most planet in the Sol System, before Oort, 
Charon - a twin planet that have moved Pluto's orbit, 
Styx - previously known as S/2012
Nix - previously known as S/2005 P 2
Kerboros - previously known as S/2011 P 1,
and Hydra - previously known as S/2005 P 1.

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Enrich your world!

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